
Mikhailova, Anna A.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 18, 编号 2 (2019) Review Features of the use of stable platforms with biological feedback in various socially significant diseases PDF
卷 18, 编号 3 (2019) Original studies Modern approaches to the application of photoimmunomodulating technologies in the treatment of HPV-associated cervicitis PDF
卷 18, 编号 3 (2019) Обзоры литературы The rationale for the inclusion of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic massage in the complex treatment and rehabilitation programmes PDF
卷 19, 编号 4 (2020) Review Justification of the use of the method of deep oscillation by pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field in the early rehabilitation period after surgical interventions
卷 18, 编号 6 (2019) Review Effectiveness of early rehabilitation techniques in programs of accelerated recovery of patients after surgical interventions PDF
卷 19, 编号 5 (2020) Original studies The state of systemic immunity under the influence of polarized light and an immunomodulator in patients with HPV-associated cervicitis
卷 19, 编号 6 (2020) Original studies Psychocorrective effect of application of combined medical rehabilitation methods in patients with ischemic stroke
卷 20, 编号 2 (2021) Original studies Аpplication of rehabilitation technologies to improve cognitive functions in patients with ischemic stroke
卷 20, 编号 3 (2021) Original studies Experience of using the sensor treadmill to improve the functions of pacing, cognitive abilities and psychoemotional status in patients with ischemic stroke PDF
卷 20, 编号 5 (2021) Original studies Physiotherapy methods in the complex of cognitive rehabilitation of patients in the late recovery period in patients after ischemic stroke PDF
卷 21, 编号 3 (2022) Original studies Some features of the effect of different methods of medical rehabilitation on the intensity of pain syndrome in patients after an ischemic stroke in the late recovery period PDF
卷 22, 编号 2 (2023) Original studies Assessment of the effectiveness of the reconstraction of social-everyday skills on the hardware-training complex of audio-visual reconstruction of the environment of patients after acute cerebrovascular accident PDF
卷 22, 编号 5 (2023) Original studies An algorithm for the use of various transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation modalities in treatment of patients with residual positive sensory symptoms after surgical decompression of the carpal tunnel PDF
卷 22, 编号 5 (2023) Original studies The effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with fine motor impairment after ischemic stroke PDF
