Immunological mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of modified yellow clay in the experiment




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BACKGROUND: Modern scientific search and reasonable introduction of new balneofactors into sanatorium-resort recreational technologies are conditioned by the results of fundamental research. Experimental balneology is faced with the tasks of investigating poorly studied natural sources that are potentially capable of having therapeutic and preventive properties.

AIM: is to evaluate immunological mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of external balneological medicine based on natural clays to study their therapeutic effectiveness in diseases of musculoskeletal system of degenerative-dystrophic nature.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: An experimental study was conducted with the participation of 79 laboratory animals (male rats, Wistar line) distributed by simple sampling into 5 groups: in the control group 1 (n=15) there were healthy animals (intact); in the 2nd group (n=13) the animals had adjuvant arthritis (AA) without exposure; the 3rd group (n=17) had an adjuvant arthritis model and Tambukan dirt; in the 4th group (n=17) there was model adjuvant arthritis and a course of yellow clay, the 5th group (n=17) had model adjuvant arthritis and a course of modified clay. The anti-inflammatory effects of native and modified external balneological medicine were examined by evaluating the response of immune-competent cells of peripheral blood in reproducing chronic inflammation in adjuvant arthritis model.

RESULTS: The conducted studies have shown that the external use of modified yellow clay in the form of balneological medicine Glinofir is comparable to the effect of Tambukan dirt. According to the immune marker analysis there was a significant change in population lymphocyte structure in peripheral blood as a result of adjuvant arthritis modeling, namely, the number of B-lymphocytes increased (2.5 times; p <0.02) with simultaneous reduction of total T-lymphocytes (2.5 times; p <0.05); the level of circulating immune complexes showed a tendency to increase with the animals of the group with adjuvant arthritis model without treatment (59.8±4.18 units in adjuvant arthritis and 52.4±3.44 units with healthy animals; p=0.1).

CONCLUSION: According to the results of the experimental studies, Glinofir which has immune-modulatory and anti-inflammatory effects can be recommended for subsequent introduction into clinical practice as the treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients with diseases of musculoskeletal system of degenerative-dystrophic nature.




Gayane Sagradyan

North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8788-4563
SPIN 代码: 9629-5773

Cand. Sci. (Pharm.), Senior Research Associate

俄罗斯联邦, Yessentuki

Anna Abramtsova

North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7435-6286
SPIN 代码: 9608-8004

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior Research Associate
俄罗斯联邦, Yessentuki


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2. Fig. The total content of leukocytes and lymphocytes (Ме and 25–75‰) in peripheral blood in animals after course exposure to balneofactors, day 37 of arthritis.

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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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