Physiotherapy and physioprophylaxis as the means and methods for the health maintenance and rehabilitation




The problem of formation of the healthy lifestyle and popularization of the methods for this purpose acquires special significance under conditions of current socio-economic changes, global economic crisis, deterioration of environmental, hygienic, and demographic situation that negatively influence the health status of both adult subjects and children. The efficacious strategies are needed to improve the health status of the population and teach people the methods for personal health promotion. We have developed and evaluated the "Wellness" scale for the estimation of compliance with the health improvement methods. It allows subjective self-assessment of psychic and physical health, social activity, and motivation for the application of the application of rehabilitative technologies, such as phyto-, aqua-, cryo-, and dietary therapy, control of exo- and endogenous risk factors, giving up pernicious habits. The use of the "Wellness" scale permitted to reveal characteristic health profiles of schoolchildren, university students, and adult subjects.


Vladimir Ezhov


V Ezhov

S.M. Georgievsky Crimean State Medical University, Simferopol', the Ukraine

S.M. Georgievsky Crimean State Medical University, Simferopol', the Ukraine


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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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